Dear Customers and Staff:
Oppure Oil continues to meet the goal of delivering our product on time. For example, last winter we were 100% reliable in delivering all orders within our original quoted delivery window, a feat of which we are all very proud. Believing there is always room for improvement, we have decided to update our DELIVERY MAP, setting faster delivery windows in many of the towns we service. Oppure continues to operate free of fees and has the lowest delivery minimum in our industry. We achieve this because we have a wonderful, kind, dedicated, and hard-working staff. I cannot thank you all enough for what you do day in and day out, thank you again and again.
Last year we began installing tank monitors, which have become a popular tool. Our current promotion includes free installation. We and our customers have found these monitors very useful for easier ordering, leak detection, and analytical data. If you have a situation where you believe this technology would benefit you, please do not hesitate to give us a call.
We have also begun offering complementary, voluntary tank inspections. We feel this service is mutually beneficial to ensure that we continue to deliver our product safely, kindly, affordably, and on time. The weight of a full tank of unblended #2 heating oil is about one ton and packs a whopping 34 million BTUs! We often take this for granted because heating oil is very safe when properly contained. The purpose of a professional tank inspection is to ensure that each drop of heating oil is delivered into the tank and pumped to the oil burner appliance safely. Heating oil tanks deteriorate over time, and we feel it’s best to check your tank at least annually and have us check it every two years. One of the most common repair items is the vent alarm. This simple mechanical device ensures your tank is holding fuel, able to accept a safe delivery, and notification when the tank is full. Upon inspection, we provide you with an inspection report and document the inspection. Updated inspection reports of your tank will become helpful during real estate transactions, and homeowners’ insurance renewals. Furthermore, our new service allows us to make repairs to your existing tank components and offer replacement quotes if needed. You can book your complimentary tank inspection online by clicking HERE, or call us at 800-359-4802.
Our heating oil remains unblended. Oppure Oil offers a cleaner burning fuel with higher BTU content. In other words, our product is pure petroleum. Whereas blended products are not. Today much of the competition, particularly web-based and third-party oil dealers, is delivering blended biodiesel of up to 20% or higher. This means that up to one-fifth of the product is not petroleum and can be a blend of animal fat, fryer oil, or other types of plant-based oils. Blended products do not burn as clean or as hot as pure petroleum. There are three types of grade requirements for 6% to 20% blends thus making it impossible and confusing for the consumer to know what is being delivered into their oil tank. Remember your tank and heating appliance are personal property. Should you not know what type of fuel is being delivered to you? Companies (again particularly web-based) that deliver low-grade, low-cost blends do not divulge that information because, simply put, they don’t want you to know. Poor-quality blends typically cause issues with fuel storage, fuel supply, and fuel-burning components.
As a reminder, Oppure Oil services include zero fees, safe delivery of unblended #2 heating oil at one low price regardless of delivery quantity, the option of automatic or will-call delivery, budget plans, fuel assistance, installation of smart tank monitors, professional oil tank inspections, and oil tank repairs and replacements.
We have noticed that many of you manually order your tank to be filled instead of taking advantage of our automatic delivery service. Our automatic delivery service, like all our services, is free of fees and without contract. Joining our automatic delivery service is a worry-free way to make sure that your tank remains topped off and you’re always prepared for winter storms. Please call us today to join or click HERE.
Lastly, I personally wish to truly thank all our customers for your continued support, many of whom have been with us since the beginning. I and my staff love to come to work each day, all because of you. Thank you!
With Kind Regards,
Mike Hatzopoulos